Monday, May 07, 2007

Are Your Efforts Being Sabotaged by these Five Time Wasters?

1. Are you doing some things too many times?

Doing some things once instead of twice or more are the things that will help us save a lot of time. Do some things less often, like cleaning your house once every ten days instead of every seven days – you can do that, it’s normal and the house won't get dirty in those three extra days. If you write a regular report every four weeks, make it only once in six weeks if possible.

Can you reschedule weekly meetings to happen every two or three weeks and be just as effective? Check your list of things that can be done fewer times and make adjustments accordingly.
2. Are you competitive? Then compete with yourself!

Decide how long you would normally take to do a task. Focus, get rid of anything that could distract you and cause you to work less efficiently and try to beat your normal time.
3. Can you find 15 minutes each day that you are using inefficiently?

Is there 15 minutes a day that you could use more efficiently? Is there lost time in your activities? Or maybe even a less important activity that you can give up on? If you manage to save 15 minutes every day, you will in fact win back 91 hours, or over two work weeks, every year!

Read the rest of the article at The Great Ideazine

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